Issue description

The issue description gives you details about the issue. It's important to write descriptions so that other users can understand and follow the content and workflow. For example, if an issue concerns bugs in developing software, writing in the description about how the bugs occurred will help the developers team understand the scenario and resolve it quickly. Similarly, if this is a customer support issue, the support staff will use the description to explain the customers’ questions.

You can easily add or edit your issue descriptions on the issue registration page. 


Add / edit issue description

When registering an issue, you can input the issue details in the description field. Here are some of the functions or text formats you can use while updating your issue description. 

  • Mention (@)
    To notify members or teams about your issue, use the mention function (@username). 

  • Emoticons
    To insert basic emoticons into your issue description.

  • Bold, Italic, Strike
    You can do basic text formatting with bold, italic, or strikethrough. 

  • Bulleted List, Numbered List, Checklist
    Select any of the functions above to create a bulleted list, numbered list, or checklist in the issue description. 

  • Table
    You can create a table using the table function, and the table format will be inputted directly in the description.

  • Quote, Code, Link
    You can quote a sentence, create code formatted text, or link text to a URL. 

  • Formatting Rules (?)
    For comprehensive formatting rules, you can view them by clicking on the ? icon.

  • Preview
    To preview your issue description before applying the changes or updates. 

To edit your issue description after creating an issue, select Edit.

Tip: Whenever the user edits or updates the issue description, its changes will be captured in the issue’s comment section. To view the changes, go to the comment section and select the Contents of changes to view the change details.



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Adding issue


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