After a project is created and you have invited users to a project, they can now start adding issues in the project and collaborate further with other members or teams.
The issue is a type of task or a piece of work that a user is going to work on. Adding an issue helps the user to create a ticket or task in the project, assign it to a right assignee, and collaborate and provide updates or have discussions within the task with the comment function.
Overall, it helps the user to record the issue details, communicate the status of tasks and projects, and keep track of timelines.
How to add an issue
To add an issue in the project, follow the steps below.
- Go to the project.
- Select Add Issue on the left navigation menu.
- It will bring you to the add issue registration page. Input information into the relevant fields and click Add to add the issue.
Note: The issue’s “Subject” is the minimum required field to be filled before registering an issue. |
Description and condition fields
Further details of an issue can be added on the issue registration page. Fields like description, issue type, assignee, priority, start, and due date are the basic fields that you can input for more details.
In Backlog, you can find 2 main sections of input fields on the issue registration page - description field and condition fields.
Description field
The description field is a rich text field that lets you describe or summarize the issue details. You can use functions such as the @mention function to notify a user or teams about the issue or apply text formatting such as bold, checklist, or table in the description field.
To learn more about the issue’s description field functions and text formatting details, please refer to the Issue description article.
Condition fields
The condition fields help you to categorize issues so that they can be organized and retrieved easily. These fields include issues types, assignee, category, start, and due date, etc.
To learn more about the details about each condition field, please refer to the Fields section.
Tip: Besides the general fields, you can create a custom field to support your team’s needs and process. The custom fields will appear as condition fields that let the user input more details about the issue. |
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Custom field summary
Issue description
Parent issue
Child issues
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