Backlog + Google Chat

With the Google Chat integration, you can use the Backlog app to add an issue in Backlog and receive real-time notifications about Backlog issues. 


  • You need permission from your Google Workspace administrator to install apps.
  • This feature is available for all user roles in Backlog. Some functions may not work for a particular user if any restrictions are applied to them in Backlog.



Connect Google Chat with Backlog
Backlog app commands
Login command
Logout command
Settings command
     5.1  Add notifications in Google Chat
     5.2  Delete notifications in Google Chat
     5.3  Update notification settings on Backlog project settings
     5.4  Delete notification settings from Backlog project settings
Add issue command
Help command
Language command

Connect Google Chat with Backlog

There’re a few ways to add the Backlog app to your Google Chat.

  1. Add via inputting “@backlog“ within the chat.

  2. Add via Find apps function.

A message will indicate that the Backlog app has been added to the chat/space.

Tip: There are also other ways to add apps to Google Chat. For more details, see the Google Chat help article.


Backlog app commands

After adding the Backlog app to your Google chat or space, you can perform certain Backlog actions using commands in Google Chat.

The commands you can use with the Backlog app are:




Log in to your Backlog account


Log out from the current Backlog account


Manage notification settings


Add an issue to Backlog


Show help list


To change the language of the bot


Tip: Some return messages will indicate “Only visible to you.” This happens when executing a slash command (e.g.,/login) in Google Chat. It helps reduce noise to other members when you perform your command within the chat/space.



  • You can only log in to a single Backlog space at a time.
  • To add an issue, add or delete notification settings, you will need to log in to your Backlog account first via the app. 


Login command

To use the Backlog app in Google Chat, you will first need to authenticate and login to your Backlog space. Log in to Backlog using the “login” command. 

  1. Enter “/login” in the chat/space, and a configuration dialog will prompt. Click Configure access button
  2. A new window will prompt. Enter your space ID and select the correct domain. Click the Continue button to proceed. 
  3. On the access confirmation page, select the Allow button. A successful login message will display in Google Chat if you have logged in successfully.

Please refer to the Space ID support article to learn more about Space ID.


Logout command

You can log out of the Backlog app using the “logout” command.

  1. Enter “/logout” in the chat/space. 
  2. A successful logout message will display when the logout is complete.


Note: If the Backlog project notifications setting has been set, notifications will not be reset or turned off when you’ve logged out using the command. To remove the notifications, refer to this section.


Settings command

With the settings command, you can add project notifications to your Google Chat or delete the notifications there.

Add notifications in Google Chat

You can receive real-time notifications from Backlog projects in Google Chat by adding notifications for Backlog projects using the “settings” command.

  1. Enter “/settings” in the chat/space.
  2. Add notification window will pop-up. Select the project from the drop-down list and click the Add notification settings button.


Tip: If a project’s notification settings have been added within the chat/space, it will pop-up a notification settings window. To add another new project notification, click Add notification settings button > select a project > click Add notification settings button.


Note: Only the administrator or project administrator can add the notification settings for projects that they have access to. Unauthorized projects will not appear in the project selection dialog.


Delete notification in Google Chat

You can delete a Google chat/space notification settings for Backlog projects using the “setting” command. 

  1. Enter “/settings” in the chat/space.
  2. Notification settings window will pop up. Select Delete to remove the respective project notification within the chat/space.


Note: Only the administrator or project administrator can delete the notification settings for projects they have access to. Unauthorized projects will not appear in the project selection dialog.


Update notification settings on Backlog project settings

If you have added Google chat/space notification settings for a project, you can update them at the respective project settings page on Backlog. 

  1. Go to the Backlog project, select Project Settings > Integrations > click Settings at the Google Chat option.

  2. On the integration settings page, click the Edit button.
  3. Edit the language and description, and select the checkboxes for events you wish to receive notifications for on Google Chat. Click the Save button to apply the changes.


Tip: “Language” setting refers to the language of the notifications sent to the Google Chat. “Description” setting can be used for describing the integration.  


Note: You cannot change the notification destination (chat/space) using the integration settings page here. If you wish to change the notification destination, please delete the current notification settings and re-add the notification settings in another Google chat/space. 


Delete notification settings from Backlog project settings

Besides deleting the project notifications via Google Chat, you can delete them from the project settings page on Backlog. 

  1. Go to the Backlog project, select Project Settings > Integrations > click Settings from the Google Chat integration.
  2. On the integration settings page, click the Edit button.
  3. Click the Delete button to remove the notification settings.

Add issue command

You can quickly add an issue to your Backlog project using the “/addissue” command.

  1. Enter “/addissue” in the chat/space.
  2. Add issue window will pop up. Select the project from the drop-down list and click the SELECT PROJECT button.
  3. Enter your issue details and click the ADD ISSUE button.
  4. When the issue is added, an issue-added message will display in the chat. 


Tip: Clicking “View (issue) in Backlog” will navigate you to the registered issue page in Backlog in a new window.



  • If a member or guest role has been set to “view only” restriction, they are unable to use the add issue function. 
  • You can’t add issues via Google Chat to projects that have custom field(s) set as mandatory. Projects that have set customs field(s) as mandatory will not appear in the project selection dialog.


Help command

You can view the list of supported app commands in Google Chat by entering “/help” in the chat/space.


Language command

You can change the Backlog app command language in Google Chat by entering “/language” in the chat/space. A language settings dialog will prompt. Select a language and click the SET LANGUAGE button.


  • Backlog only supports English and Japanese language settings. 
  • This setting only affects the Backlog app commands in Google Chat. The language settings will not affect the Google Chat language settings.
  • To change the language of the project notifications, please update the language settings from the Project Settings page
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