Here is the list of users and their privileges.
- can manage all Backlog settings except for contracts, which are managed by the appointed Payment Administrator.
- can add, edit, and delete users and teams.
Payment Administrators
- can be Administrators or Members.
- are the Space Owner by default when an organization is created.
- Space Owner can transfer Payment Administrator status to another organization member.
- can choose new Payment Administrators.
- can view and edit the organization’s contract settings.
Project Administrator
- can be Administrators or Members.
- can manage Project Settings but not Space Settings.
- have full access to Issues, Wikis, Files, Repositories, etc., as long as restrictions have not been placed on their accounts.
- can view the list of organization users and the team(s) they belong to.
- can be designated as a Project Administrator or Payment Administrator.
Member Plus:
- are given Member Plus status by Administrators.
- have the same settings as Members.
- can create new teams.
- can invite new users to the organization.
- can be designated as an Administrator or Payment Administrator.
- can use Issues, Wikis, Files, Repositories, etc., just like Members, unless restrictions are put on their account by the Administrator.
- cannot view the organization’s member list.
- cannot be listed as a Project Administrator or Payment Administrator.
- can view their own account details.
Here is the list of privileges: