Slack integration is not working for private channel or group direct message

With the introduction of the Slack app toolkit, we have made the effort to update our classic Slack app version of Backlog to the new Slack app. 

With this update, you may face an integration issue from Slack - unable to receive Backlog updates, or integrate the private channel or group direct message with Backlog.

To resolve this issue, you will need to add the Backlog app in Slack for the integration. 

Note: The integration issue will affect users when they are adding or re-adding a new Workspace in Backlog, as a new token will be issued.

Resolution: Private channel

To resolve the issue and make the integration work for your private channel, follow the steps below. 

  1. Go Channel Details > More > Add apps.
  2. It will pop-up the add members page. Select Backlog (APP) from the Recent conversations and click Go.


Resolution: Group direct message

To resolve the issue and make the integration work for your group direct message, follow the steps below. 

  1. Go Conversation Details > Members > Add People.
  2. It will redirect you to the add apps page. Search for the Backlog app and Add it.


Related Articles
Integrating Slack with Backlog
Editing and removing a Slack integration

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