Would you like to share a template filled with your know-how?
We are always looking for good template samples to share with our users on Backlog. Using the tutorial we’ve provided for you below, now you can share how you create and categorize assignments with the Backlog world. The tutorial is here.
We've created a sample collection of different types of templates you can use for creating issues in Backlog below. Please feel free to copy and use them!
Bug management (minimum items)
An appropriate subject line that makes it easy to guess the contents of a bug (e.g. part of the confirmation dialog gets lost when deleting files from file details)
## Outline of bug
## Reproduction method
(Reproduction procedure, write the procedure actually done.)
# Expected result
(contents that should behave like this)
## Actual result
(Please add the screenshot of the screen as an attached file if it is content of trouble, display collapse etc.)
Bug Management (General Items)
An appropriate subject line that makes it easy to guess the contents of a bug (eg part of the confirmation dialog garbled when deleting files from file details)
## Test item
(If there is a test item of the test specification, write what it can identify)
## Test environment
(Write test environment, eg browser environment, beta environment etc .. Please delete this line if nothing else.)
## Reproduction method
(Reproduction procedure, write the procedure actually done.)
# Expected result
(contents that should behave like this)
## Actual result
(Please add the screenshot of the screen as an attached file if it is content of trouble, display collapse etc.)
## Error log
(If you have logs of JavaScript error log, network etc. on the browser console, please delete this line.)
## Related tasks
(If you escalated a bug to a development project, create an issue key for fixing bugs, if not escape, delete this line.)
New Measures
## Test items
# ## Outline
(This will concretely describe the outline of this measure)
## Purpose
(Write the purpose and goal of this measure)
## Completion condition
(detailed condition of completion of this measure is written in detail)
## Numerical targets
(I will describe when there are numerical targets of measures)
## Schedule
(It is written when you want to share the whole schedule feeling as a parent assignment.)
## Related tasks
- Enter assignment key
Requested items
## Request details
Specify the content of the request specifically.
## Other (Please delete this section when adding assignments)
- Please set up a person in charge.
- If there are multiple persons in charge Please add a small task after setting up the person in charge and set up the person in charge.
- Please be sure to set the expiration date.
User Story
## User story (usage example) As an administrator, I want to manage the type of assignment from the mobile application. Because I often move while I am at work and I may be asked to add a project type at that time.
## Specifications · Screen design
(If specifications and screen designs already exist, describe their URL etc.)
# Acceptance test (administrator, project manager)
- [] The administrator can confirm the type of all tasks from the project settings.
- [] Administrators can edit all task types from project settings.
- [] Administrators can delete all task types from project settings.
- [] When deleting the type of the task already set as an assignment, a screen allowing a new type to be replaced is displayed. (The type of assignment is a required field)
- [] Administrators can add all assignment types from project settings.
# Acceptance test (general user, guest)
- [] General users can see the type of all assignments from project settings.
- [] General users can not add / edit / delete task type.
## Related tasks
- Enter assignment key