Bulleted List
Lines starting with a hyphen ( - ) are considered as part of a bulleted list.
Lines starting with a plus sign (+) are considered part of a numbered list.
When you type:
Bulleted List
- Item-A
- Item-B
-- Item-B-1
--- Item-B-2-a
numbered list
+ Item-A
+ Item-B
+ Item-C
It will appear as:
Bulleted List
numbered list
Checklist (issue description only)
In your list, add " [ ] " or " [x] " after the dash to convert it to a list of checkboxes.
Issues are updated when you (un)select a checkbox.
When you type:
- [ ] Item-A
- [x] Item-B
-- [ ] Item-B-1
--- [ ] Item-B-2-a
You'll get:
Note: Your project will use Backlog formatting by default. If you'd like to switch to Markdown, please read the Formatting Rules.