Email Notifications for each Project

Email Settings consist of overall settings and settings for each Project.

On this page, we will explain settings for each Project in further detail. To learn more about overall settings, please refer to Email Notifications.

Configuring the settings for each Project allows you to refine the type of emails you receive from Backlog. Say, for example, you would like to receive Project report emails for a particular Project and not the rest, this individual setting would come in handy for you.

To start, go to the Settings by Project section, click on Browse and then Add Project. Add the Project that you would like to set individual settings for to the table. Projects that are not listed in this table will take on the configuration in Basic Settings with regards to emails.


 1. When

Choose the type of issue-related events you would like to receive email notifications for.

Select "Added or updated" to receive email notifications when the following events occur:

  • When an issue is added
  • When an issue is closed
  • When an issue is assigned to you
  • When multiple issues are updated

If you choose "Comment is added", you will receive email notifications when a comment is added to an issue within the Project.

2. What 

Choose the scope of issues you would like to receive email notifications for.

Select "All issues" to receive email notifications for all issues.

Uncheck "All issues" if you would only like to receive email notifications for issues assigned to you and/or issues registered by you.

 3. Wiki 

Choose the scope of issues you would like to receive email notifications for.

Select "A Wiki page is added or updated" to receive email notifications when the following events occur:

  • When a Wiki is added
  • When a Wiki is updated

Emails will not be sent when the user adding or updating the Wiki does not choose "Send mail notification when created".

 4. Notifications 

Check this box to receive email notifications whenever you are notified on issues.

If you have unchecked "Added or updated" in the Issue section, you will still receive emails when an issue is added or completed, if that event is notified to you.

If you have unchecked "Comment is added" in the Issue section, you will still receive emails for comments if they are notified to you.

Even if you have set restrictions on emails in the Issue section, you will still receive emails for restricted events as long as you have been notified in them.

 5. Project Report 

This is for daily Project Report settings. The Project report contents the issues due on today and issues over the due date.

This setting also applies to the email notifications you receive when stars are awarded to you in the Project.

 6. Subversion / Git 

For Subversion, you can use this feature for Projects with "Create a repository on Backlog" Subversion settings.

If you choose this option, you'll receive emails on every commit/push about the details of Subversion commit and Git push.

You will receive emails when the Git's pull request has been added, updated or a comment is added to the pull request.


These settings are enabled only if the "Receive e-mail" box at the top of the Email Settings page has been checked.


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