With the 'Watching Issues' function, you can:
- Quickly view the progress of the issues that are important to you.
- Bookmark issues for easy retrieval.
You can watch any issues that you like. The function is especially useful for situations where you are not an assignee but would like to know the progress of the Issue, or it is important for you to stay up-to-date with the Issue's progress. You can add a personal note to each watched Issue as a reminder of why you added it to your Watching Issues list.
Adding and deleting Watched Issues
To watch an issue, click the ‘Watch’ icon on the Issue page.
To view all watched issues, click the Eye icon (Watch) on the global bar. To learn more about the ‘Watching issues’ function, click here.
To stop watching an issue, click the ‘Unwatch’ link on ‘Show issue’ page.