You can access the "Batch Update" page from the "Issues" page.
All filtered Issues will be listed on the Batch Update page.
Up to 600 issues can be shown on the Batch Update page. If you have more than 600 issues on the Issues page, please filter your results so that the number of issues drops below 600.
View Options
The Batch Update list can be customized by clicking the “View Options” on the top and choosing what will be shown on the list.
Columns can also be hidden in the sorting and filtering menu by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the column name and choosing "Do not show this column".
By default, the columns selected in "Customize Search Result" on the Issues page will be shown.
Filter Issues
Clicking the header of the issue list on the Batch Update page will open the sorting and filtering menu.
Choose an option to filter the Issues.
Selecting [Reset] will clear the filter for that column.
Keyword Search
You can find an issue by entering a keyword in the search box.
The keyword will be searched through the filters "Key", "Description", "Status", "Registered by" and "Assignee".
Issue Preview
On the "Batch Update" page, you can show each Issue's details, including the Issue descriptions and comments, on the right side of the page in the preview pane.
Click an Issue to see its details.
You can move up and down the list with shortcut keys and the preview will change accordingly.
The width of preview section can be changed by dragging the border between the list and the preview pane.
To hide or show the preview pane, press the button in the upper right.
Sort Issues
Clicking one of the categories in the header of the issue list will open the sorting and filtering menu.
Choose an option to sort the list.
Selecting [Reset] will clear the sorting order of that category.
Update Issues
To update the status of multiple issues, select the issues you would like to update by adding ticks to their boxes.
Then, click the "Batch Update" button.
Change the statuses of the items you want to update. When "Do not change" is selected, that item will not be updated.
Click "Show all" to update other items not shown in the preview pane.
Contents of the Comment box will be added to all issues.
Press the "Submit" button to apply changes. Then, the list will be updated.